Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog

I created this space to post my thoughts and photos. It began in 2012 with my travels to New Zealand, Tasmania and living and studying in Australia then continued back to Canada with my return home to Edmonton and moving to Victoria, British Columbia. Join me on the journey. Post a comment!

Tuesday 1 January 2013

A year in review

In 2012 I stepped away from the comfortable and stable ground of my life to travel to Australia, where I lived for ten months, as well as New Zealand and Bali. Here's what I learned about myself and life (in no particular order).

I am extremely fortunate.
I see the world differently and not always in a positive light.
I learned a lot, more than I realize. I know a little more of what I didn’t know but there's so much more to learn.
I can push myself further mentally (7 days a week and sometimes 12 hours a day) and physically (riding 20 minutes every day up a 45 degree hill often in 30+C heat and swimming laps in a 50 metre pool)
I am learning to meditate and reaping the benefits.
We truly live in a global world.
You can go far away but you never leave yourself behind.
People are generous and kind, especially those who have little.
I have deep seated prejudices I am addressing.
I can live on little, and with little, and enjoy it.
My family is extremely important to me.
I have trouble parting with some things.
I like to write (and need to keep up the habit of doing it every day).
Age is all in your head.
I don’t value money the way I used to and feel freer with less.
I like being on my own (but not always alone).
I could live in Australia. It is a magnificently beautiful, wild and diverse country.
I enjoy being around Australians. In general they are relaxed, friendly, patient, funny, irreverent, self-effacing, patriotic, adventuresome and clever people.
The phrase that sums up Australia for me is ‘no worries mate’.
I enjoy the odd beverage more (than when I left Canada) and will miss Australian wine and cider.
I loved surfing and if I lived in Australia I would buy a surf board.
The weather is usually a minor detail in life.

The blog, and the odyssey, will continue on this side of the world as I continue to step off the edge. 
 Happy 2013!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Great insights, Cynthia. I look forward seeing you back in Edmonton in a few weeks time. You can give me some tips for readapting to a Canadian winter!