Then my family came for an amazing vacation and now I am
home sick again.
It's been a tough few days since Keith left. The wet weather is
reflecting my melancholy. It's still
winter despite the blossoms on the trees and the green grass.
Plus, with Andrea and Jason’s engagement and the flood clean up I feel like I AM at home some days or at least part of me is there and the rest of me is an onlooker here.
Almost every night I return to Edmonton in my dreams!
So I am rationalizing. I have 4 months give or take to get my proposal and ethics approved and all my data collected. It's a lot to do.
But I need to sleep and dream....
I can relate ! At times, I feel like I am leading a double life; my life here in Botswana and my life at home. Given the time difference, my Canadian life takes place after hours.
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