Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog

I created this space to post my thoughts and photos. It began in 2012 with my travels to New Zealand, Tasmania and living and studying in Australia then continued back to Canada with my return home to Edmonton and moving to Victoria, British Columbia. Join me on the journey. Post a comment!

Sunday 15 June 2014

On the move again...permanently!

Since I arrived in Victoria last July I've been living in temporary digs in three different locations.
Since September I've been renting an 815 sq. ft apartment condo. I've actually enjoyed the small space! I rarely lose anything and it takes only an hour to scrub the whole place from top to bottom. I have a lovely sunny patio to sit on and the neighbour's dog often comes over and joins me. I can walk to work in 15 minutes.
But the time came for Keith and I to seek the help of a real estate agent to find us something permanent. The Victoria market is about 25% higher than Edmonton to our chagrin.  Like Edmonton, we were interested in older homes in central areas.  Only three days after we started working with a Realtor he sent me a listing. I walked by the house and knew instantly this would be our home, without even stepping inside. When we finally gained entry the decor reminded me of my grandmother's place. We could see the potential beyond the furnishings.  We made an offer which was accepted a couple of days later. We got possession on Friday the 13th of June.

This weekend we took down curtains and rods, tore up rug to find beautiful hardwood underneath, and painted.  It is looking like our home, in fact Keith's and my first home together!
Besides the decor there were other things in common.  It was built in 1967, the same year as my previous house and has the very same chandelier in the dining room!
The house is located on a quiet crescent as few blocks from my work and it has reasonably sized yard full of beautiful perennials and trees. The neighbours are very friendly, many young families, who told us that the previous owner, an older woman had recently moved out.
Throughout the house are handles such as this to support someone with mobility issues.  We took them all off but, given this will be out retirement home, maybe we should have kept some?!

1 comment:

Katharine said...

Congratulations, Cynthia. Isn't it wonderful when it all flows so effortlessly - an indication of it being right and good. Your new home looks lovely...Enjoy. Love, Katharine