Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog

I created this space to post my thoughts and photos. It began in 2012 with my travels to New Zealand, Tasmania and living and studying in Australia then continued back to Canada with my return home to Edmonton and moving to Victoria, British Columbia. Join me on the journey. Post a comment!

Monday 14 May 2012

Taken for granted

I am curious how we take things for granted. The locals are amazed by my excitement in the flora, fauna and ocean around Adelaide.
I went for a hike with a group on Saturday. I counted 23 koalas. Most of them were asleep, alone in a tree. We never saw two together and couldn’t tell if they were male or female.
Besides the koalas I was in awe of the blanket of Morning Glories beside the trail. I was informed they are an invasive weed.
I marveled at the view of the ocean from one of the vistas.
“Not as spectacular as the Rockies though” said one of my companions.
I guess it’s all relative.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

The grass is always greener....I remember buying souvenirs at an airport shop in the Caribbean, and the lady at the till had a winter scene from the Canadian prairies as her screen-saver -- the very scene from which I had escaped. Love the koala pics, by the way !