Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog

I created this space to post my thoughts and photos. It began in 2012 with my travels to New Zealand, Tasmania and living and studying in Australia then continued back to Canada with my return home to Edmonton and moving to Victoria, British Columbia. Join me on the journey. Post a comment!

Thursday 9 May 2013

Real Life 2

Then on February 4, while leaving a doctor's appointment in my car, I was backed into by someone in the parking lot. The fellow who was driving told me he couldn't speak English so called his wife, who had just gone into the building. She came running out and took charge. We shared information and she asked that we not involve the insurance companies so would I go and get an estimate and they would pay me to have it fixed. She also asked me not to go to the police since her husband was looking for work.
I obliged.
A few days later I had not heard from her so I gave her a call. She indicated that they could not afford to pay me cash and so she had contacted their insurance agent who would call me.
I called my insurance agent and made a claim.
A few weeks later their insurance agent did call me. She asked me to tell her what had happened. She said "interesting!". Then she told me they had told her I hit them. There were no witnesses. 
Live and learn!

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