Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog

I created this space to post my thoughts and photos. It began in 2012 with my travels to New Zealand, Tasmania and living and studying in Australia then continued back to Canada with my return home to Edmonton and moving to Victoria, British Columbia. Join me on the journey. Post a comment!

Friday 1 January 2016

Christmas and the Polar Express

Several years ago my daughter and I saw the movie The Polar Express when it first came out.
We fell in love with the movie.
So when Stefanie came up to Victoria for Christmas she asked if we could go and see it again at the IMAX Theatre.

If you haven't seen it, the movie is about believing in Santa Claus and other miracles of life one cannot see.  Santa's sleigh bell is the symbol of belief.

On Christmas eve we were with Keith's family. Two little people in Santa pajamas were getting excited for Christmas but their mother told me that they don't make a big deal about it.
Despite Christmas being a commercial undertaking, I've noticed that more people value the simple things in life like:

Experiencing a white Christmas when you live in a wet, green climate.
Andrea walking in her new neighbourhood
Jason, Andrea and Stefanie skating

Spending time with family and being able to afford turkey dinner with all the trimmings for 13 of us.

Keith's, Jason's and our family together enjoying the first Christmas dinner in Andrea and Jason's new home
Spending time with children who still believe.
In the movie, the conductor says: "Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see."

Mary enjoying a book with her grandparents 
Friendship. In the movie the conductor says: "There is no greater gift than friendship."

Getting together with some of my friends 

Santa Claus says: This bell is a wonderful symbol of the spirit of Christmas - as am I. Just remember the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart. 

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