Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my Blog

I created this space to post my thoughts and photos. It began in 2012 with my travels to New Zealand, Tasmania and living and studying in Australia then continued back to Canada with my return home to Edmonton and moving to Victoria, British Columbia. Join me on the journey. Post a comment!

Sunday 4 November 2012

The Beautiful Riverland

I spent the weekend in an area of South Australia, east of Adelaide and close to the Victoria border, known as ‘The Riverland’.  The River Murray, which meanders east through here to other parts of Australia. Houseboats line the banks and we saw people tubing and boating in the 38C weather today.

The land is extremely dry and covered in mallee scrub except for where it has been irrigated which is  resplendent with vineyards and fruit orchards. Quite the contrast.  Deb grew up in the small town of Barmera where her parents lived on a fruit block, growing grapes, oranges and apples for various producers.  
The largest vines I've seen

Deb and her parents inside the winery

We drove through the famous Bourassa Valley, home to large wineries well known to Canadians including Penfolds, Jacobs Creek and Wolff Blass.  We spent the afternoon at Banrock Station, which apart from its delicious wines, is esteemed for protecting the wetlands and animals and birds who live there. 
See the wetlands in the background?

We drove aross wheat, barley and rye fields resembling the Canadian prairie.   Deb’s son works on his father-in-law’s farm and is currently harvesting crops. Here he is with his tractor.

Stephen is 6 foot 4!

It was a lovely break from the books and interesting to see another part of this great country.

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